Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
''Dream Set Sail, Create Glory'' 2016 JinTian (JT) Year-End Summary and Commendation Conference

''Dream Set Sail, Create Glory'' 2016 ZETTLER Year-End Summary and Commendation Conference

On February 2, 2016, Ningbo JinTian (JT)'s 2015 annual commendation summary party was held in the auditorium of Ruiyun Primary School. Nearly 700 people, including all employees, customer representatives, and supplier friends of the company, gathered together to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, to recount friendship, share joy, and share a wonderful feast.

The presence of Hongfa Group President Mr. Guo Manjin and the famous film and television actor Ms. Tao Huimin and other distinguished guests made the whole dinner star-filled and stunning.

The feast started on time at 13:30. First of all, Chairman Xie Guofeng made a year-end summary and commendation report, reviewing the arduous 2015. In the economic downturn, under the hard work of all employees, the company still achieved good results. Achievements and development. Looking forward to 2016, the chairman of the board of directors proposed new future plans for the company's business direction and new business development, encouraging everyone to continue to stimulate high morale and achieve the goal of sustained and steady growth in the company's performance.

With the high-pitched and passionate award song remembered at this beautiful moment, we enter the annual recognition and awards agenda. We are honored to invite Hongfa Group President Guo Manjin to award awards to the 2015 advanced collectives, and the second chairman Xie Guofeng as the advanced team and annual Excellent cadres were awarded pennants and certificates, and then a one-time presentation ceremony of advanced employees and company loyalty awards was held. They used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of excellence. Behind the honor is the hard work and hard work of the people of JinTian (JT). I hope that at this moment next year, there will be more new faces standing on this glorious stage.

Zetter people and Zhejiang Song and Dance Ensemble jointly presented a unique and unique visual feast for everyone. JinTian (JT) is a harmonious family, we meet here, budding and growing here, and here are our common dreams and visions. The song "Love and Love a Family" sings the beautiful memories and emotions of all JinTian (JT), This is the stage where we JinTian (JT) people chase dreams. This dream is initiated by you and me. Let us sow seeds for it together.

The exciting lucky draw attracted every audience present. The screams went higher and higher, and the interaction between the stage and the stage made the whole lottery dinner climax, with laughter and joy, conveying good wishes for the new year. Everyone toasted to celebrate, imagine the infinite future, and share this year's grand occasion.

I believe that in the next year of 2016, all partners will work harder and use their wisdom and sweat to recreate the glory of JinTian (JT).

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