Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
JinTian (JT) Electronics Quality Season Event Successfully Start

As the saying goes, people regard food as their heaven, then enterprises regard quality as their heaven. The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that if enterprises want to develop, they must insist on quality first and benefit first, and promote economic development through quality reforms, efficiency reforms, and power reforms. Therefore, how to control and grasp quality is the cornerstone of the sustainable development of enterprises.

On the morning of August 22, 2019, welcoming the dawn of dawn, Ningbo JinTian (JT) Electronics Co., Ltd. organized a "Quality Season" kick-off meeting with the theme of "containing quality risks, solving key issues, and enhancing quality awareness". All employees of the company participated This event created a good atmosphere of "quality awareness in the heart, product quality in hands".

First of all, Mr. Xie Guofeng, the general manager, made an important speech at the opening of the quality season. He hoped that all departments should take a correct view of the quality season activities, and conduct overall linkage and participation of all employees in consciousness and action to implement the quality season. The deployment of the activities, and pointed out that the quality season activities should not be limited to the quarter, but should be implemented for a long time, establish a firm awareness of quality first, and unswervingly implement "the pursuit of perfect quality to provide customers with satisfactory products Harmony service" policy, do a good job in comprehensive quality management and on-site service, in order to continuously improve corporate competition, achieve brand building goals, and provide strong security for JinTian (JT)'s development.

Then the company's quality director, Ms. Wang Juanying, said, "Today the company's quality conference is held to allow all employees to raise the quality of goods to the highest level. How to embark on the road of total quality management quickly and well, we must strengthen all employees Only by sticking to one's own position, performing one's own responsibilities, starting from the details, and interlocking with each other, can we defend JinTian (JT)'s quality!"

In order to show the determination to effectively improve the awareness of product quality, all the company's cadres, managers of various departments, and all front-line employees took the oath on the spot, with high ambitions and full of confidence, and left their sacred name on the signature wall.

ZETTLER Electronics Quality Season Event Successfully Start

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