Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Take Precautions Before They Happen, JinTian (JT) Held Another Fire Drill

Take Precautions Before They Happen, ZETTLER Held Another Fire Drill

On June 28, 2016, midsummer came and the high temperature continued, which brought a hint of hidden danger to the safety production of enterprises. In order to prevent problems, as soon as they went to work, the safety production supervisor summoned the safety team members of each workshop production line to participate in the fire drill on the basketball court. From enhancing safety awareness to how to use fire extinguishers and fire hydrants, all the members are listening attentively, for fear of missing any details.

Then everyone picked up fire extinguishers and fire faucets for actual combat drills. The so-called saying a hundred times, it is better to do it again, after the actual operation, I believe that in future emergencies, everyone will be able to calmly respond.

Finally, the safety production supervisor led everyone to the substation, and the company's electrician explained how to deal with emergencies in power.

Safe production is the company's top priority, and no sloppy is allowed. This is the common belief of all JinTian (JT). The company holds two fire drills every year, and conducts irregular safety inspections every month. Only when everyone has a sense of safety can we guarantee real safety in production.

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